Saturday, November 21, 2015

Co-op and cousin time

In co-op this week they made kava lamps in science class  and learned why  oil and water don't mix.  In time  and measurement class they made paper airplanes and flew them then measured the distance  in centimeters, inches and feet to see which would be the  best method  of measuring. In art class they  made Thanksgiving  hats. They built  a tool box on building  class. Learned about  China in ancient  civilizations  class and then he gave a speech about Abraham  Lincoln in speech. He was so proud of his speech , he used the online catalog at the library  and researched the president.  He wrote a rough draft and typed  a final copy. He took in a picture  of the Lincoln  monument and a penny to the class too.

Then  we went to a senior citizen  facility and picked  out  some people to be secret  Santa's too. I love  helping  if I can and when I can.

That night I got to be the bingo number caller at bingo night at the  Buddy House.  I was exhausted  but it was a lot of fun.

I took my nephew  out to Toys R Us for his birthday.  He was so excited to get a hat ,balloon and a 5.00 gift card to pick out a toy. He picked  out a set of Pokémon cards. Then we went to the Half Price bookstore for story time and a free book then playing with Legos  at the library.  The boys had a blast. Jack has had a fun weekend and this Momma needs some rest.

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