Monday, October 26, 2015

Full week off

I'm  so glad that my boss's horse show is always at the end of October  because it is my favorite  time of year  and Halloween  is Jack's  favorite. We finished up our Greek Mythology  unit study  and this week we are learning about the skeletal system  and the usual reading , writing and arithmetic.  We are still reading Charlotte's  Web and it is so easy to tie in our craft and science  lessons to include spiders, bones and farm animals with a Halloween  twist.
We did a few cool science experiments using skittles today. We compared skittles in warm water  and cold water and what happens.  It was so cool to see the edible S sticker from the skittles float off.   We also did the density of sugar with skittles. One glass had 8 skittles of the same color the next had 6 then 4 then 2 then 1 and then  you drop the colored liquid into another  glass and the liquid with the most sugar will  be the most dense and will be on the bottom.

We did a few  fun crafts but Jack's favorite  was the paper plate, pipe cleaner and googly  eyed spider . Then we went to the library for some more art and research. In a chapter in Charlotte's  web , it discusses the local  birds and part of the study guide that  I had printed off has the child researching a bird and writing and presenting  a report about  it. Jack picked hummingbirds  to research.  He was also introduced to how to use the library's online search database. 

After our day was over , I went back to the library for yoga. They have yoga at the library  twice a week. I love it. I have arthritis  and sciatica  issues and I always feel amazing after yoga.

I also made a new recipe  for breakfast: bacon , egg and cheese Hash brown nest muffins. I made them to go along with  the bird research project. I made Italian meatloaf for dinner too. I love actually  having the time to cook. When I work it is a quick meal or a crockpot meal or a casserole  that I prepared  the night before and Jason puts in the oven when I'm  on my way home. 

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